Tiffany Raiford is a lifelong Floridian, wife to my high school sweetheart and mother of four littles (two girls and boy/girl, they are not identical and yes, I'm sure). My loves include nap time, bed time, date night, travel and evenings and weekends when my husband is home because he handles all diaper changes. I petted my cat in the opposite way that I normally do, and she still enjoyed it. Boredom Busters: Tips to Help Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy, How to Tell If Your Cat Is Sick — Symptoms to Watch Out For, Video: The 3 Most Common Cat Behavioral Problems Solved. Cats often decide that your flower box or flower bed is the perfect litter box. Tin foil does stop most cats from walking on surfaces if that’s … All rights reserved. As much as we love them, though, we sometimes wish we could eliminate their less appealing behavior — so we've identified six common "bad cat habits" and determined what causes them — and how you may be able to fix them. share. You can’t do anything alone when you have a cat because they will find you. 0 comments. How Can You Tell if Your Cat Suffers from Depression? And while some believe it’s cute to see their cats sitting down staring at them, thinking that the look on the cat’s face is one of love and admiration, it’s not. If your cat wants your attention, your cat is getting your attention and you are just going to have to deal with the pain of your cat’s head being slammed fiercely into whatever body part the cat can reach. What makes your cat push objects off tables, and how can you stop the begging and 4am wake-up calls? Cats seem to love knocking items off your desk, right? Immediately. And, most importantly, reward her with treats and praise her for using it! Do you count your cat among the attention seekers? Refused Victory. They will then spend the duration of your time in a locked room sticking their paws beneath the door in an attempt to freak you out. But just in case you’re not sure how annoying it’s going to be to have a cat of your own, we can tell you just how annoying it’s going to be. Cats are irritating and annoying, and they really do know how to drive you crazy at times. Strange Eating Habits in Cats — Why Do They Do That? In the most inopportune moments they find a way to come to you, stick one of your fingers in their mouths and make it all about them. Cats are just irritating in that they always want to be right on top of you. Because climbing and exploring high spaces comes naturally to felines, you will need to replace the appeal of the counter with acceptable climbing surfaces that are more fun to your cat. Please Like Share & Comment If You Like This Video ! Here are our top 3 tips to minimise cheeky cat … Kiss us against our will! They Play Hard in the Middle of the Night. Want to give your pup yummy, low-calorie treats? report. This will reassure your cat that you won't do anything to further harm or annoy her. Sometimes cats decide that your car hood is the perfect resting place and they don't care about scratching your car in … The Five Best Ways to Clean Cat Pee in Your Home, Tips to Help Your Cat Through the Cold, Dry Months. My cat does this all the time, and it’s something that … Many people assume that jerking away when a cat scratches or bites will put a stop to the nipping and clawing, but it actually reinforces the behavior, because it's the response that live prey would give in the wild. And it’s usually right on your face. My cat HATES it when we touch her toes or her feet. No, it’s not a fun moment in life. Not sure about food puzzles? Powered by Brightspot. They Crawl all Over You. Vetstreet. You know how we talked earlier about how some "bad cat habits" can be related to training, while others actually may involve an underlying medical problem? I do, however, mind the fact that my cat seems to find this time as good as any to make me a licking board. With such a sandpapery little tongue, this is something that drives me absolutely insane. Why Does My Cat… Always Like to Curl Up in Small Places? When you’re sleeping or the babies are sleeping or someone is sleeping, your cat is certainly in the midst of meowing at someone or something. Why, cats, why? A stray cat can find it difficult to find food, warmth and optimal conditions for its development.If this cat was abandoned or was born in the streets, it could be that he is cold, hungry, thirsty or very frightened. They are easy to recognize. Cats are so annoying and so irritating in the middle of the night it’s not even funny. Though some of us don't mind this behavior, many cat owners prefer to keep their cooking spaces free of cat fur and curious paws. Tire her out during your waking hours with food puzzles, simulated hunts, active play and even walks on leash. Your cat loves you and wants you to pay attention to it. Oliver ooooooo Oliver the cat that has way more than 9 lives (because he has been killed in many people's/visitors minds a hundred times over. My cat does this all the time, and it’s something that almost all cat owners complain of at some point or another. They always want something from us. They have some reason to believe we can get them what they want. My african grey really likes my cat!For licensing enquiries please contact It is a bizarre aspect of their countenance. Another tip: Don't give your cat attention when she wakes you. 5 Ways to Effectively Annoy Your Cat 1. The approach to curbing this behavior is similar to the solution to the countertop problem: Redirect the behavior rather than trying to stop it completely. © So, let your cat move around as nature intended, with their own coat of hair, and not something that is for your entertainment only. My cat does this all the time, but only when I’m in the middle of doing something else – like sleeping at 3 in the morning. If your cat is sleeping all day, it's no wonder she has energy to burn at night! Have a point of view to share? Being pulled at their tail. The Signs of an Annoyed Cat and What Annoys Cats the Most Cats With Their Ears Back — What It Means in Cat Language Posted in Behavior , Cats And Science , Chewing on or eating nonfood items is a behavior known as pica — and can result from things like They Stick Their Paws Under Doors and Freak You Out. Cats bare their teeth and make hissing sounds when they're scared or feel … Cats often meow to initiate play, petting, or to get you to talk to them. You may think of chewing plastic (and a related behavior, sucking on blankets) as just a weird kitty quirk, but the truth is, it could signal an underlying medical issue. But it happens and there is nothing we can do about it short of shutting the cat out of the bedroom, in which case they will stand outside the door and just meow for hours. Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? Plenty of medical conditions can cause your cat not to use her litterbox, including kidney failure, bladder infection or other urinary tract problems, diabetes and arthritis. For even more advice, check out Mikkel Becker's helpful article on this issue. Don’t annoy your cat for your entertainment! © 2001-2021  Bartonella is a type bacteria that can be transmitted to cats, dogs and humans from exposure to infected fleas and…. Discussion. Tin Foil and Rustling Noises. You're playing a game with your cat, maybe roughhousing with your hands a little, getting her all excited, and then the claws and teeth come out. 100% Upvoted. Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. … All rights reserved. So if you suspect that's what's going on, talk with your vet. Sounds similar to hiss sounds: such as the sound of plastic bags being rustled. I love a cat purr, and I don’t even mind the cat cuddling in my lap when I’m in the middle of drinking my coffee in the morning. save. Attention seeking. It's not uncommon — in fact, this is one of the top three problems that trainer Mikkel Becker says she sees in cats. However, in real life it’s a bit of an issue. hide. In fact, it’s actually disdain, anger and completely creepy behavior. It’s not cute, and it’s not love or admiration. The more polite ones … Hissing Sounds. Powered by Brightspot. But it doesn’t make it any less creepy. They’re going to put it on your head, your face, your hands and anywhere else that they can put it, and that’s just disgusting in a way we cannot even describe to you. The look cats have managed to perfect is a little bit scary, and we just can’t help but think that this is what they look like when plotting our demise. The idea is to make your kitty's new, cat-friendly perches more appealing than the boring old counter. Powered by Brightspot. No, he actually takes the time to use his head as a battering ram by slamming it into your body repeatedly no matter what it is you are doing. Cats love to get in the middle of the bed in the middle of the night and find a nice, comfortable spot in which they can lie down. They’re fairly low maintenance. Having a cat treat ready may also reassure your cat. But if I blow on her her, that pisses her off. Read on for our analysis and advice, and letus know in the comments if you've had to address any of these issues! Before we dive into any training solutions, though, remember that crying at night can be a sign of anxiety, dementia or disorientation. #2: Not cleaning their litter tray regularly. Friends may tell you that your cat is just being "spiteful" when she potties where she shouldn't, but chances are there is something more serious going on. One is what they want, and the other is how they ask for it. Mikkel Becker's helpful article on this issue, 10 Strange Cat Behaviors and What They Mean, Video: Solving Common Cat Behavior Problems, 5 Great Ways to Turn Your Kitty Into a Lap Cat. Cats sleep a lot, so if your cat is spending more time pacing than sleeping, it's a sign that kitty is anxious. The 10 Most Annoying Things Cats do to us Humans, How to Find a Halloween Costume for Your Cat, Cat of the Day: Mush Mush the Maine Coon, Pet Owners Reunite with Cat after Losing Her 7,000 miles Away, Science Explains Why Your Cat Runs Around at Night, Cat Discovered In The Old Cockpit of a Boeing 737 after 11 Days, Five Cat Breeds That are the Most Playful, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Arabian Mau. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. With these simple dental care tips, you can help keep your canine’s adorable smile shiny and healthy for life. Our veterinarian reveals why the payoff for your pet is well worth any extra work. And it’s always something that makes you feel as if you are going to stop breathing at any given moment. Use moving water sprinklers to scare cats off. When your cat wants attention, he does not just ask for it. Funny Parrots Annoying Cats Compilation Cute Parrot VideosThanks For Watching ! They want to be in the middle of your face, they want to paw at you, they want to sit on you, they want to be close to you. Cats like to keep themselves clean, so a dirty litter tray is a major no-no for them. It’s life with an animal in the house. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It does not matter if you are in the middle of a nap, cooking dinner or feeding your newborn baby. New family members. Invest in a cat tree or window perch with fun toys and perhaps an exciting view of birds outside. So your best bet is to not react at all. Introducing your cat to a new cat, dog or baby, needs to take place slowly because the new dynamic is scary to them. We love our cats unconditionally, sometimes in spite of certain habits that leave us scratched up, bleary-eyed and without presentable furniture. As they are known to be sensitive, cats usually don’t … Most cats I know really don’t like being kissed. Many cat owners will agree that cats make great pets. Oh, this is a big one! Cats have staring problems. Many cat owners will agree that cats make great pets. Cats never annoy just for the sake of being annoying. Vetstreet. Talk to your cat. Cats can sometimes show really cheeky behavior: meowing, begging or throwing your stuff on the floor. We also recommend you cover your counters with aluminum foil (a sensation cats don't like). There's nothing fun about being bitten or scratched by your cat. Cats are great pets, but they’re really annoying. All rights reserved. The solution is pretty simple: Stop using your hands to wrestle with your cat and redirect that instinct toward feather or motorized toys. 3. Vetstreet. On that note, however, we do love the concept of having a cat because they do make great pets. or "Why does my cat wake me up at night?" There are usually two components to a cat being annoying. Tips for Keeping Your Cat From Jumping Onto Counters and Tables. Has your cat sent too many couch cushions to the furniture graveyard? Eliminating outside the litterbox is one of those that falls firmly into the "your veterinarian needs to check this out" category. If a cat ‘‘asks’’ to enter your house or meows at the door, it is very likely that it is looking for a safe refuge. While this behavior can range from funny to annoying to dangerous, there are a couple of possible reasons your cat likes to use her paws in this way. Tell her "I'm sorry." Attention seekers have developed repetitive behaviors for demanding attention … Your good intentions occasionally annoy the heck out of your friends with cats. But what if we said that you, the owner, might be more than a little responsible for this problem? Should You Desex Your Cat Before Puberty? How Long Does Prozac Take to Work in Cats. If the aggression continues, talk to your veterinarian. You might be surprised to learn that some of these behaviors can be easily corrected with training, though others might indicate an underlying medical problem that your veterinarian needs to check out — and at least one of them might be your fault not your cat's. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. And even if you don't object to it for sanitary reasons, you wouldn't want your cat to get into any food that could be toxic to her. Once you have a clean bill of health from your veterinarian, there are a few things you can do. It may be linked to play-related behavior — she's simply curious about the object and what happens if she paws at it. That way, your cat can still play in a way that's natural to her — and you don't have to bear the scars of it. Well, let's just say we could afford a lot of cat toys. What annoys your cat? Scratching, veterinary behaviorist Dr. Wailani Sung explains, is important to cats for a whole host of reasons: It helps them stretch their muscles, leave visual and scent markers, and shed their outer nail sheaths. 2001-2021  No matter how much a cat may like affection, they are... 2. While my little Vesuvius has a gigantic heart, she also has a stomach that's even bigger. It’s something that they do by rubbing their bottoms all over you, and it’s gross. Cats like to take charge. My kids love to whine, so I love to wine. 2001-2021  Most cats come to you as sweet little kittens that steal your heart … Cover your furniture with double-sided tape to discourage clawing and give your cat better options for scratching — like a fun horizontal or vertical scratching post. Cats, even feral ones, really don't like water. Cats annoying Owners by funny and cute action, You can only Smile or laugh, can't be Angry They love the concept of doing this, and it’s really one of the most annoying things we’ve ever encountered. Despite what some people think, cats don’t like being alone a lot. They play so hard in the middle of the night. Like this article? If we had a nickel for every time someone asked us, "How can I get my cat to sleep later?" Cats are born complete with the essential grooming tools: paws, a rough, barbed tongue, and saliva. Let us know! And when it wants attention, it wants to be in your face and it wants to rub all over you. Please enter an address, city and/or zip code. The friendly and inquisitive LaPerm has an easy-care coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Clawing at furniture, chewing on plastic, jumping onto counters and peeing outside the litterbox are complaints we often receive from frustrated cat owners. Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea) – most common in North America Ctenocephalides canis (dog flea) – relatively rare in North America Both types can infest cats, dogs and humans, as well as more than 50 other animals, including raccoons, weasels, opossums and badgers. She'll even hiss at us. New people.Aka the vanishing cat of game night. To help you stop ruffling fur, here’s a list of six things that dog people do that annoy cat people. Extreme Disappointment. The best thing you can do as a responsible cat owner is to tell your vet what's going on and have her check it out. Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. In theory, this is fine. Perhaps you … 1. But why? They’re fairly low maintenance. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They will hunt you down and they will find you. The odor is annoying and the mess they leave behind is disgusting! Anyone who has ever owned a cat or spent any length of time with a cat at all will tell you this is the absolute truth. Keep in mind that yelling at her is still attention — negative attention, but attention all the same. They play so hard that you might want to give them away in the morning; or right then and there in the middle of the night. You want peace and quiet and suddenly the cat is hungry or in need of something that he or she does not feel can wait even a second longer. 4. So what's a cat owner to do? We’ve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed him. It’s probably more like they’re just trying to find a way in, but we think that they are actually trying to tell us they’re out there and want you to open the door. Forced Affection. And it’s even worse when they decide they need to lick your face or something that you just do not want their tongues touching – ever. They do love you very much, but they have a really irritating way of showing that they love you so much. please install the latest version of Flash. If your cat makes a habit of chewing plastic or sucking on fabrics, bring it up to your veterinarian. You may even use your cat's name. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, Log in or sign up to leave a comment … What annoys your cats? Learn how your comment data is processed. See Additional Information ›. This is so gross, but it’s what they do. For whatever reason, cats love to chew on people. This is also an important discussion to have with your cat sitter, so they know what to do when caring for your cat. This is what happens when you have a cat and a moment in which you need life to be quiet. We saw you liked our compilation 'Cats annoying dogs', so we made a new one, 'Dogs annoying cats'! Felines' sleep-wake cycles are naturally at odds with ours, because they're based on the cat's natural hunting instincts, with the most active parts of the day being between dusk and dawn. Cats of all ages also can develop an overactive thyroid or kidney disease, both of which can result in excessive vocalizations. © Recurring accidents, urine spraying on furniture and peeing on your bed are all problems that call for a vet visit. They play with whatever they can find, whether it is a water bottle that someone left on the kitchen counter, a hair tie that came off the floor somewhere, or just a piece of paper or dust or an imaginary friend they found somewhere. Chewing on or eating nonfood items is a behavior known as pica — and can result from things like dental disease, gastrointestinal disorders and anxiety.