Trimming the fur in the area helps a little but this is a tricky task. It happened to our cats more when they were kittens, and less often now.Hopefully you will get some fresh ideas from other cat owners, but until then we have a few pages already where visitors have asked this question. Poopy butt is, just as it sounds, a condition where a bunny has fecal matter stuck to his behind. If this is the case, then switching your cat to wet food might actually be the simplest solution to the “my cat keeps getting poop stuck in their fur” situation. Hi,Some cats really don't like their bellies to be touched, and it makes grooming that area really hard!I would think sedation would be a last resort. If you can put litter in it and your cat can easily get into it, then you can use it as a litter box. I'm not sure that different cat foods would produce a "drier" stool. Soft stools and diarrhea could indicate a health problem such as inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal parasites, food allergy or other issue. And, it wouldn't be healthy for them to have hard or dry stools.Owners have different methods to deal with it, such as trimming the fur or brushing & combing as you do.As for the food, you might want to read our articles on Royal Canin cat food & why we don't use it. Any of these conditions can cause stool to be softer than normal and contribute to poop being tracked around the house. At first I thought it might be due to stress from moving, having new food or something like that, but it's been a while and he's still having problems. She also let them trim her nails! Becca has the same problemby: KatieI have a Maine Coon female thats a lil over a year old she has the same problem I think most long haired cats have the problem as well I bought a pair of scissors to help with it didn't want to hurt her with the brush and comb to my surprise she prefers me to brush them out same with matts she gets in her mane she keeps pulling while I brush and puts her head back for me to do it more till I get it out she's very laid back and mellow so she just lays there or eats while I work them out I do use the scissors for bit hanging pieces though. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. If the poop is getting stuck in the rectum with more frequency, kitty may be developing megacolon. Just yesterday she started getting poop and then this morning it stunk really bad, I know cats are self cleaning but I bathed her butt and had … Anyhow, I have bought him the largest litterbox imaginable, hoping that would help him not to step in it...but he does it anyhow. It's only hot here for a short time, but I have been tempted to try it for Leo. Please do not ignore it. Since your girl is declawed, that adds and extra element to it. You should have one more litter box than you do cats. Dietary changes, certain cat foods, and stress can also cause loose stools in your cat. Some people have success stacking a few litter boxes of the same size on top of each other, with holes in alternating places along the bottom of the box. I agree with AC that no kibble would likely be better. He also gets a lot of cat litter stuck in his hind paws... Have you tried a Furminator?by: diva@great-womens-vacations.comMy sister is a vet (specializing in cats) and I have a geriatric Maine Coon with mats all over his fur. It was not expensive, either. I also have an extra litter box she uses that is in the first floor in case she needs it. This is a serious problem for dogs. As for the food, you might want to read our articles on. If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! Many simply benefit from a quick poop-covering lesson. Kittens learn many behaviors by watching their mothers and litter-mates. The poop getting stuck in their fur is something that needs to be addressed, but I suggest not using baths as a solution as it will lead to an unhappy cat, it may start to avoid coming near you. cat getting poop stuck in fur. Many cats love to play in the water! Don't feel restricted to what the pet store has available. Your main goal is to get the poop out as quickly as you can, so it's not so much of an issue if the cat's fur looks a bit odd for a while. Sometimes cats manage to expel the feces on their own, so check the litter box regularly. Owners have different methods to deal with it, such as trimming the fur or brushing & combing as you do. Here are our reader questions and answers related to poop stuck in fur. Getting a cat to clean itself after diarrhea is impossible. I am sorry. I tried to clean it with earthbath cat wipes but she really dislikes me cleaning her butt. My medium/long hair possibly part Maine Coon kitten (6 months old) is starting to have periodic problems with "dingleberries. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She's feeling very vulnerable and exposed. A week ago he strained so hard he had a rectal prolapse. Today it was 107, a new record. or about ¼ teaspoon of Metamucil to his food. Dealing with the poops getting stuck in her fur is an annoying problem. Cats with Matsby: Pat in FloridaI just went through this with my one year old kitty, MiMi. Here are our visitor questions and answers related to poop stuck in fur. They can prescribe pain medications or suggest environmental modifications to help your painful cat use their box. You then replace the empty litter box on the bottom of the stack, making sure the holes in the bottom of the box are not in the same location as the box immediately on top. There are a few reasons why your cat might track litter and feces. Additionally, if poop is getting stuck in your dog’s fur elsewhere, like around their paws or face, then it means your dog is stepping or rolling in feces. This means if you have one cat, you should have two boxes; or if you have two cats, you should have three litter boxes. When it happens you need to go to the vet to take care of it. If one person holds her and the other snips, you'll be all set.Interestingly, our cats "grew out" of this as they became adults, by around 3 years old. He seemed to know I was helping him and didn't scratch or try hard to get away. If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! How to deal with this?? He'll start to bury it, then he turns around the other way to bury from the other side, and that's when one of his back feet accidentally steps in it. When I do watch him he tries to cover most of it and walks out without leaving a mess. Litter boxes sold in pet stores are often designed for kittens or small cats, not large, full-grown adult cats. You can put a good effort into making sure your kitten will stay a … I gave permission for sedation, if needed. If it is watery or especially soft, talk with your vet about your cat's poop consistency. Many people however, try to do it as a desperate attempt for relief. This is assuming she has some real grooming needs down there.A lot of cats can go for long periods of time without having a human groom them. She has never liked being brushed and had large mats under her hind legs and was starting to get them under the front legs. Litter boxes with "walk up" entrances, or low-bottomed entryways are easier for cats to use than boxes they have to hop in and out of. This can be from parasites and it should not wait until the 15th of the month, because kittens can get dehydrated. They are so pretty, but that fur in the rear can pose an issue!You might want to read the other, similar visitor questions and comments on how they deal with poops that get stuck on stuck on.As for the lion cut, I think that is a great idea! I have a British Shorthair one year old, small residues of poop getting stuck. cat getting poop stuck in fur. Some of the most commo… My vet recommends Pro-Plan. Make sure the litter box is small enough so that your kitten can easily get in and out of it. Dietary changes, certain cat foods, and stress can also cause loose stools in your cat. Getting the rear cleanI have the same issues with mine also. I called my vet, as I trust her with my pets. Sorry for the graphic detail, but how else to describe... Hi Ann,You are right, this is a fairly common problem. First, you could try having someone help you. Automatic litter boxes can scare a cat and cause litter box avoidance. My breeder has used Science Diet for years. So don't do it just because you think you need to, only if there are mats and/or doo hanging. Poop stuck halfway out or stool that gets stuck at the end can make even the most logical people try risky methods. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. But the furminator gently and gradually works the mat off.I don't know about using it around the anal area, but it works great on the rest of his body, and he tolerates it pretty well. Cat Poop stuck to fur!! So don't do it just because you think you need to, only if there are mats and/or doo hanging.Since your girl is declawed, that adds and extra element to it. Ali82 PetForums Senior. Do you have a water cat? If it's just been a while since you've had a cat in the house, read on for answers to common questions. Our 10 month old Maine Coon girl often has a problem with dags after going to the toilet.I am wondering if this is a common thing if so is there any other way of controlling it then with scissors?Reply:Hi,I must confess that I've never heard the word "dags!" The worms can become so numerous in the intestines and cause a blockage prohibiting stool to pass. Poop usually gets stuck when it’s too dry and hard or your cat doesn’t manage to push it out. She's feeling very vulnerable and exposed. It's common for declawed kitties to have some insecurities. This is how kittens are carried by their moms and they go limp when held this way. "Since this happens to your girl particularly after she goes to the bathroom, I'm guessing she has something hanging there that shouldn't be?It happens. When we first got her, everything was okay but then she started getting a liking to soft canned food (basically tuna) and now we're having problems. Some of these problems are easier to resolve than others. But sometimes cats end up tracking their litter and poop outside of their box. If your cat is not particular to the litter you are currently using, consider trying one of these products. The poop is NOT diarrhea - theyre tootsie roll solid poop, and its not just smidges of poop but rather a whole turd! Maybe even two people. She especially scoots when she has poop stuck to her butt. Need grooming or sedation tips. They constantly groom themselves, don't like to be wet or dirty, and bury their waste matter when they use the litter box. For example, switching the location of your cat's box could make it easier for them to use it. Some types of litter are designed to help keep litter tracking to a minimum. Sometimes if their stools are nice and firm, they are less “sticky” and tend to stick to the hair less. "She uses the litter box, and a while later, I find a pea-size piece of fresh poop within yards of the litter box.She isn't pooping outside the litter box, but I suspect her long fur is snagging things when she uses it.I've heard of "sanitary shaving/trimming of longer haired cats rear ends, but would like to hear the expertise of Maine Coon owners. Normal cat poop is quite dry, but not dry enough to be edgy and get stuck in the cat’s fur. I would think sedation would be a last resort. I didn't use soap and I only washed what needed to be cleaned. You can check the rest of this page to read my comments, and the experiences of others. Constipation in cats is not uncommon and it doesn’t always require a medical examination. Proctitis could be caused by allergies, parasites, infections, or an intestinal blockage. Poop stuck to a cat’s bum is no fun for anybody. I was pretty nervous when I took my cat in and left the exam room when it came time for mat removal. Maine Coons are prone to getting poop stuck in their fur. For others like me, here is a definition (the only one) I found on the web:"Dag is an Australian slang term, often used as an affectionate insult for someone who is, or is perceived to be, unfashionable, lacking self consciousness about their appearance and/or with poor social skills yet affable and amusing. Some cats retain this instinct into adulthood. When you lift the top box, clean litter is sifted into the box below. When you do it every day you can catch the little knots before they get skin tight and it only takes a few minutes.I live in Texas where the temperature has been over 100 degrees for over a month now. Be careful. I usually can snip a few pieces but I'm scared I might hurt him so I don't go after the tougher ones...especially in such a sensitive area.I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for this? Perhaps they grew out of it. Try getting the cat to sit next to you first. Keep your kitten’s litter box clean and available to it, which may also stop your kitten from crying. Why do they splash around in it, and put their toys in their water dish? [embedyt] Clean your kitten's litter box. I have 2 Maine Coons, Dewey and Vanessa. The big fluffy hair is what makes my coon cat the envy of the neighborhood. Boxes should also be placed far enough away from each other that the cat can only see the litter box it's using. for MiMi. You have to use your good judgement on this, though. The less poop there is in the box, the less poop will get on his fur. This page talks about how, when and why a cat purrs. )Keep your coon cat looking like a Coon Cat! Alright, we only got our kitten recently (last week) and she is only 7 weeks old. I brush her a little each day and then give her cat treats, but know I can take her back and not worry about it. Cats are fastidiously clean animals. Other well-known tips involve wrapping a cat up in a towel, using claw covers (for the rear if she still has them), kitty muzzles, etc. Copyright © Maine Coon Cat 2010-2021 All Rights Reserved. As for sedation tips, that would be a question for your vet as he/she would be the one doing it. My Leo gets matted easily, but my Alice almost never gets a mat- they have different fur types. You can use hair cutting scissors to do this; alternatively … We both enjoy his daily grooming. A lot of cats can go for long periods of time without having a human groom them. This is commonly due to constipation. Below are the most common mistakes you should avoid: Digging poop out with finger: Its graphics and its not pretty. Sometimes I see him doing it, and I can't figure out if it's because his litter box is too small, or maybe he's still learning. One could hold her front paws, and one to hold her rear ones.You have to use your good judgement on this, though. Thankfully there are a few things you can do to keep the mess to a minimum. What do you love about your Maine Coon? This way no one has to touch it for a very long time. It's common for declawed kitties to have some insecurities.Other well-known tips involve wrapping a cat up in a towel, using claw covers (for the rear if she still has them), kitty muzzles, etc. They are siblings, and of course they are my babies.Vanessa has a lot better grooming habits then her brother and he is starting to get a few little knots under his "armpits". If she has thick mats and there is no other way, you can ask your vet about it.First, you could try having someone help you. I wish you the same good luck and experience with your cat. While more common in older cats, neurological, nerve, and other types of diseases can cause a kitten to be constipated or obstipated. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. You can check the rest of this page to read my comments, and the experiences of others.All The Best,~Carrie, Vanessa (left) Dewey (right)...he can groom his sissy but not himself very well haha. And you are right, scissors will do the trick. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. You can dump waste collected in the top box into the trash. I've used this on mats that were pretty firmly stuck to his skin, without cutting or scratching him (I'm afraid of using scissors close to the skin; I accidentally knicked a cat that way once). MiMi knew they were in charge and complained, but did not struggle or fight them. ! Long-haired cats often have a lot of fur in between their toes. Depending on how nasty the poop is, you might want gloves for this (or simply prepare ample soap and water for yourself and your grooming tools afterwards), some brushes and sharp clippers. Hopefully you will get some fresh ideas from other cat owners, but until then we have a few pages already where visitors have asked this question. I clean the litter box IMMEDIATELY after she uses it. My Leo gets matted easily, but my Alice almost never gets a mat- they have different fur types. Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Hello world! Heavy intestinal parasite burdens can cause a kitten to become constipated. If your cat is having trouble finding the right spot in its small litter box, hanging over the edge to eliminate its waste matter, or you are finding urine or feces on the side of the box or outside it, you probably need a larger litter box. If itâ s dried, pause for a minute or two. If you can keep the fur on their feet trimmed, this means less material for litter and poop to stick to. It's happened to Freyja three times now and this last time I think she was trying to get rid of it as I've got what can only be described as 'tread marks' on the carpet. There is so much to learn about them. Have you ever heard a happy cat purr and wondered about it? This way no one has to touch it for a very long time. I recently got my little Mille (15 weeks old chocolate point girl)and she’s been getting some poopie stuck on her fur. His looks irritated and has poop stuck to his fur... cleaned it a few times before but he would continue to get poop - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian. He never liked to be brushed (coons have sensitive skin and some just don't like the pulling); it's much worse now, of course, since he's so arthritic he can't clean himself well.I use a "furminator" (not sure of the spelling) and it does a wonderful job on the mats. This condition is treatable, but because it is painful for your cat, its important to take him to a vet right away to make him more comfortable and treat the underlying cause of the condition. What about you? She’s not very good at cleaning herself, sort of gives up halfway and falls asleep. One could hold her front paws, and one to hold her rear ones. There are a number of different factors that can cause a cats rectum and anus to become inflamed. "Dags"by: TallmamaOur 5 month old, Chief, has the same issue. Poop is much less likely to get caught in short hair. It will be up to you as to what needs to be done and how far to go before resorting to sedation. Any of these conditions can cause stool to be softer than normal and contribute to poop being tracked around the house. Your vet probably carries Prescription Diet foods. Place one of these mats at the edge of your cat's litter box so that they will walk on it when they exit their litter box. Tips for Cleaning Cat Messes and Accidents, The 8 Best Automatic Litter Boxes of 2021, PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Litter Box Review, How to Train Your Cat to Stop Urine Marking, The Best Cat Litter Subscriptions of 2021, Naturally Fresh Walnut-Based Quick-Clumping Cat Litter Review. & why we don't use it. I sit his rear in warm soapy water, bathe him and then snip some fur away if needed. I was not able to remove them. Are you wondering what's involved in having cats as pets? Different pet brands offer litter that isn't made from clay and might be the solution to your litter problems. My kitten has been getting poop stuck on her fur since I've had her at 7 weeks old. Also, after I clean the poop off with kitty shampoo, she still scoots for quite awhile. Her poop is solid and brown and I use a JUMBO cat litter box that she is always able to access and use with no issues (I watch her use it all the time). I don't know why that is. He is "bushy" with a lot of undercoat. Formed, normal cat stool is more difficult to make a mess of than diarrhea. Groomingby: HelenSometimes if you scruff them up by the nape of their neck you can control the situation better. If a cat is in pain it can have difficulty entering or exiting a litter box, or pain covering up its waste. (Not fat at all!) This is assuming she has some real grooming needs down there. If she has diahrrea, that would account for the poop getting stuck in the butt fur. For stuck to skin, warm water or mineral oil to soften, tweezers to remove. Maybe you can put their cat bed or their favorite toys next to you on the couch. He meets us at the door when we come home and drops down in front of our. It will be up to you as to what needs to be done and how far to go before resorting to sedation. If you determine your cat has an issue with the litter box, chances are you can put a stop to any poop tracking. Here are 10 things I love about Maine Coons! Also, we had a similar question a little while back: Other readers shared their tips & advice on this page, which you might find helpful. Cats are notoriously fastidious and many will not use a litter box that is less than pristine. I got a cat from the humane society last October (about 4 or 5 months ago), and ever since I got him he's been prone to getting his poop stuck in his fur around his tail/ butt area. Maybe even two people. We have never had a problem with either brands. The most important part of preventing poop sticking to your dog’s hair is to keep the hair around his bottom trimmed short. This is a common issue among long haired cats. Eventually, they may wander over to your lap. I'm not sure that different cat foods would produce a "drier" stool. I would never think of cutting his hair. Perhaps they grew out of it.Also, we had a similar question a little while back: Maine Coon Dags. We call them "hangers" at our house. I am SO relieved. Poopy butt is the less than eloquent term to describe a relatively common issue that affects pet bunnies. Arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other chronic ailments make it uncomfortable for cats to jump in an out of litter boxes, cover their poop, or self-groom. The pure canned pumpkin (not pie filling with sugar) is known to be useful for both diarrhea and constipation, so I would start with a little, say 1/2 tsp./meal and see if that makes a difference. We rarely deal with it now. It was distressing. At our house, we call them "hangers." Despite the weather out side my cat lives indoors where it is a cool 72 degrees. Will My Kitten Stay A Lap Cat. Maybe their bodies were able to digest the food better, so thier stools were more dry?I hope this helps,If your question was different just follow up with another comment here!All The Best,~Carrie. If it turns into a situation where your kitty exhibits real fear, panic, and starts thrashing, I would not put her through it.In that case I would consider having a professional shave her belly and rear. We call them "hangers" at our house. It happened to our cats more when they were kittens, and less often now. :O It drives me crazy as I then have to find a way to hold him still while I wash his paws (front and rear) and he is already a strapping kitten weighing 9 pounds at 5 months! Bottle-fed kittens and young rescue kittens miss out on being properly taught how to use a litter box. You can alternate the wet food with the dry to get a balanced diet that produces non … Some of the Maine Coon owners I've talked to say their cat was a little "off" after the first one, but then got used to it and actually seemed to strut their stuff when they got used to the lion cut.Hopefully others will chime in on their experiences with both the lion cut, handling mats, and getting rid of stuff stuck to the rear!All The Best,~Carrie. Soft stools and diarrhea could indicate a health problem such as inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal parasites, food allergy or other issue. Simple rugs can help keep litter and poop from being tracked throughout your house and there are even specially designed mats that help catch the litter particles. Would be proud to sport have a British Shorthair one year old kitty, MiMi butt.... To deal with it, and consistent feed our two 3 yr old females! Describe a relatively common issue among long haired cats in pain diarrhea could indicate a problem... 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