Archived. A Strict Life. A Needle in a Haystack [KCD Wiki] Discuss the game and comments posted to our Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki. spoiler. 26146. Wonder if it is possible to release him then fight and hand him over? It just feels so exhausting and uninteresting, I've been in this place for two hours now and I guess I'm dumb or is this quest meant to take a long time? If you haven't figured it out by now, you should now know that Pious is (spoiler alert) Novice Antonius, the first novice you meet in the game and the one who no one suspected. You will need lockpicks. report . Posts: 26165. And then there is Needle in the Haystack - Probably the single worst thing I have ever had to do in an open world game. This will trigger a fistfight with Pious. Mario Kart 8 HD, 4.9 GIGS! Talk to brother Cellarius - he might be able to get a few useful things. 0. I tried a few times to go about my daily duties but those fun-hating priests kept tossing me in jail every time I went to Antonius to tell him I had everything. Just do those exact steps and nothing else and go there are the specified time. - awesomenintendo. The Die is Cast is one of the main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Tell him “I have everything we need for the escape” and he’ll tell you to meet up with him right after evening mass. save . After the long cutscene in which you’re initiated as a Novice, brother Antonius will come talk to you. Read Wiki Page. Whenever you have both items, go talk to Antonius/Pious (he is marked on the map as a main objective). You don't have to complete these quests, if you think you know who Pious is already (or if you don't care) - just take care of the issue and get out of the monastery. Antonius is Pious! Because you told him earlier you plan on killing Pious he got scared and tried to poison you. Henry must infiltrate the enemy fort called Vranik. Speak to some of the other monks to learn about the novices. Close. Anyway, I got kicked out of the monastery after I lost my patience with all the nonsense, and now I am supposed to go find my gear with no quest marker, and no idea where it is. Not sure if that’s a bug or what. A Needle in a Haystack [KCD Wiki] Discuss the game and comments posted to our Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki. Lucas was told that the Circators were … He just sits down a does nothing, Is there food on the table? Step 6: YOU GOT THE DICE AND THE GOOD ENDING, Lol i killed him after he poisoned me, afterwards i went after a priest to knock him over and i was arrested outside the monastery. hide. A Needle in a Haystack is a main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Rant spoiler. Specializing in Furnishings and Decor. I’d be interested to hear other people’s thoughts on it because it’s sure to be an opinion divider - so are you a lover or a hater? 294 likes. Talk to Pious and watch how he drops blood down the balcony to fake his death. What do the Software testers on this game actually do. All I know about him is that he's one of the novices. Prior quests. Follow Pious outside. During this quest Henry must infiltrate the Monastery of Saint Benedict while pretending to be a nobleman called Karl. Never mind you do fail all the side quests if you complete this mission first. Or if that sounds like too much work for you, sneak into (or back into, if you've been thrown out) the monastery, murder one of the novices, and try to convince Kozliek you got the right man. 100% Upvoted. Register to … Objectives. I can get to work. Souls: 0.00 . Kill another novice. Needle In A Haystack. If you confide in him that you are searching for Pious, he agrees that it could be Jodok, but not Antonius. now sleep untill 1 am and sneak into the eating quarters, throught the kitchen and in the back room on the furthest rack in the back of the room has the … You can visit the page here. Shopping Cart. Regardless of which option you get, stay where you are and continue with the next objective for getting the keys, they are close by! Game crash after i kill Antoninus. Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:27 pm. Both enter monastery as monk or trespassing at night. I’ve just finished this quest for the first time and really enjoyed it. Did you lose everything or just the quest items? Now Antonius will come talk to you. Main Quest “An Oath is an Oath“: Conquer the castle without killing anyone, use bare fists only and let your allies kill all enemies. It’s very dark and you probably can’t see anything but black, but on that shelf sits the monastery key! Posts: 26265. What’s the best way to go about this mission? After that I managed to escape through the monestary door again. Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:27 pm. A fellow is hiding in the Sasau Monastery who I'm supposed to find and kill. He also says that Lucas simply goes through the motions, as if just for life to be over. The Trials of a Novice is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Sneak into the kitchen during mealtime or during the night and find the papers for the next days order - just add 'blood' to the list and collect it the following day. Siskin seems quite friendly towards Antonius, finds Lucas to be very reserved, and thinks that Jodok is a rat. After vespers, meet up with Antonius in the upper hall of the church, where you can stage the assassination. Jodok tells Henry that Antonius is reliable and helpful, Siskin should be thrown out on his ear, and Lucas is being punished by the Circators. This quest is utterly terrible. Needle in a Haystack. Step 3: When Baliff leaves, open jail sell (Very Hard Lock) Lucas claims to have never spoken to Antonius, that Siskin doesn't follow the rules, and that Jodok doesn't like him, but is friendly with the Circators. FextraBot Town Crier. In the backroom of the kitchen, on the counter between the two doors, you’ll either see a piece of paper or a “Goatskin filled with blood”. We have see an increase in order volume as everyone has decided to stitch :-). Try to complete all of these quests before you focus on finding Pious. If you had to order blood then return later that day to pick it up. Reporting the Circators to the Prior. FextraBot. Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:27 pm. A Needle in a Haystack. What does needle in a haystack expression mean? Worldly Goods; Bad Habits; Scattered Pages; Libri Prohibiti; Abbots List ; Worldly Goods. If you stored all your gear in a box before The Die is Cast you can now retrieve it. Step 1: Say you’re bringing him to Baliff Souls: 0.00 . At first, Brother Antonius is friendly with 'Brother Gregor', telling him a cover story that he grew up in Vlaschim, but decided … It’s a long, arduous quest, which many find boring even without the bugs. Walk around a little, you should soon black out from the poison. Lie down until 23:00 to regenerate health and skip time. There’s a box in the room where this quest starts. I’ll look around myself. Posted by 9 months ago. February 19, 2018 by PowerPyx 42 Comments. Make the Circators stop their cruelty to Novice Lucas. Silkkeri 2 years ago #2. Pick it up to solve this objective. Siege. These are cross-posted comments on a wiki page. a needle in a haystack phrase. The Die is Cast. Step 4: Kick his ass again For more Walkthroughs, check out the full Kingdom Come Deliverance Walkthrough (All Main Quests). If you did the dialogues exactly as described you will get poisoned. On the right hand side is a loose paver - searching it will start Worldly Goods. We are open Tue-Sat 11am-3pm PT for orders, curbside and appointments. Antonius can also reveal what might be a crucial bit of information - Brother Cellarius might have some lockpicks. I can’t let you leave. To this end, he begins A Needle in a Haystack, where he infiltrates the monastery to find the former bandit. As an added complication, Radzig Kobyla would prefer you didn't kill him at all, requesting that you bring Pious to justice rather than assassinating him. I disagree with everything except the loading times when talking to NPCs and maybe the laggy menus, … If you didn’t store … You can start this quest by talking to Brother Librarian in Sasau monastery while doing A Needle in a Haystack main quest. All of your items are in the chest in Brother Porters room, the place where you originally got your monk robes. Start: I told Antonius about my search. 0. Because I just lost the quest items after doing this quest, everything else (weapons, armor, etc.) Did everything as exactly as you said but i never get poisoned. Don't tell him the truth. Payback triggers automatically after completing The Die is Cast Main Quest. See screenshots below: Sit down where there’s food on the table You’ll automatically start eating. 4 4. Thirdly ... just let him go. Needle in a Haystack. Main Quest Now that you are officially a novice, you are bound to their rules. Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:59 am. These are cross-posted comments on a wiki page. We a little effort, it should be possible to put it all back together. I sit and eat for 30 seconds then I got back up, nothing happens no poisoning or blacking out. These are cross-posted comments on a wiki page. User Info: Silkkeri. This is easier than killing him inside the Monastery as you don't have to worry about escaping after. Anyone know? When it’s 23:00, head back down to the kitchen where you just ate the poisoned food. Then talk to Pious (Antonius). Failed: I know now Jodok isn't Pious. Register to … This concludes A Needle in a Haystack Main Quest and triggers “The Die is Cast”. I wrote a warning about it in the previous quest’s walkthrough. A fellow is hiding in the Sasau monastery who I'm supposed to find and kill. 26229. Payback - Don't fight with bandits from fort Vranik. Do the math! The most straightforward way is to complete the other quests, which will build your relationships with the monks and reveal important information about who Pious might be, while obeying the Monastery rules. A Needle in a Haystack [KCD Wiki] Discuss the game and comments posted to our Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki. How do i do side quest that require to do in order to get King Charming trophy while doing this walkthrough? View Cart | Checkout | My Wishlists | My Account. Tough Love. Get your gear back: started Obey the prompts from In the Cloister to avoid trouble - or ingratiate yourself by drinking with them during Nasty Habits, giving you the option of getting out of trouble. A Needle in a Haystack is one of the main quests that you’ll find in Kingdom Come Deliverance. (Optional) Right after evening mass, meet with Pious in the dormitory. (Note: you can only enter here at night, make sure you come at 23:00 as described in the last objective). Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:59 am. Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:27 pm. It’s an easy lock but you can also knock him out and take the Trunk key off of him. Ive been on this quest for hours, starting to get through it. Otherwise, kill another novice, get Antonius to give you his dice, and hope that Kozliek believes that the dead novice really was Pious.